Well Check - Vaccine Schedule

Age Vaccine Other Services
2 weeks HBV if not already given Developmental Screening
1 month No Scheduled Vaccine Developmental Screening
2 months Pentacel, Pneumococcal, Rotateq, HBV Developmental Screening
4 months Pentacel, Pneumococcal, Rotateq Developmental Screening
6 months Pentacel, Pneumococcal, Rotateq Developmental Screening
9 months  HBV Developmental Screening
12 months MMR, Varivax, Hep A
Must be over 12 months old
Developmental Screening, Hemoglobin
15 months Pentacel, Pneumococcal Developmental Screening
18 months Hep A Developmental Screening, Autism Screening
24 months No Scheduled Vaccine Developmental Screening, Hemoglobin
30 months No Scheduled Vaccine Developmental Screening, Autism Screening
3 years No Scheduled Vaccine Developmental Screening 
4 years ProQuad & Quadracel
Must be over 4 years old
Developmental Screening Vision, Audiometry
5 years No Scheduled Vaccine Developmental Screening, Vision, Audiometry
6-9 years
annual well check
No Scheduled Vaccine Vision, Audiometry
10 years No Scheduled Vaccine Vision, Audiometry
11 - 18 years
annual well check
Tdap, MenQuadfi, Gardasil
(age 11 & up)

16 years MenQuadfi, Trumenba Vision, Audiometry

Influenza Vaccine - all children aged 6 months and older are recommended to receive a flu vaccination during flu season.

At each well visit, we will:

  • Answer any question you may have about your child's health
  • Perform a complete physical
  • Assess development and milestones
  • Monitor your child's growth
  • Discuss behavior - what's normal and what may need intervention
  • Obtain important health history, including family and social history
  • Perform screening tests such as hearing, vision, autism and depression screenings
  • Administer vaccines according to the recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC
  • Get screening laboratory tests such as anemia and cholesterol screenings when age appropriate
  • Provide you guidance on what to expect and provide you information on safety recommendations for your child