Vaccine Information
HBV ( Hepatitis B Vaccine)
This vaccine protects against a liver viral infection called Hepatitis B.
Complete vaccination consists of a 3 shot series.
- The 1st shot is routinely given either in the nursery shortly after birth or at the 2 weeks well check up.
- The 2nd shot is routinely given at the 2 month well check up.
- The 3rd shot is routinely given at the 9 month well check up.
For more information please click on the Hepatitis B Vaccine Information Sheet

Pentacel ( DTaP + IPV + HIB Vaccine )
This vaccine is a combination vaccine that combines the DTaP, IPV & HIB vaccine into one injection. Using this vaccine we are able to reduce the number of injections that children receive in the first two years of life.
Complete vaccination consists of a 4 shot series.
- The 1st shot is routinely given at the 2 month well check up.
- The 2nd shot is routinely given at the 4 month well check up.
- The 3rd shot is routinely given at the 6 month well check up.
- The 4th shot is routinely given at the 15 month well check up.
Please go to DTaP, IPV & HIB for more information about each individual vaccine.
DTaP (Diptheria Tetanus & Acelular Pertussis Vaccine)
DTaP vaccine protects against Diptheria, Tetanus and Pertussis which are all common childhood diseases caused by bacteria.
Complete vaccination consists of 5 shots.
- The 1st shot is routinely given at the 2 month well check up.
- The 2nd shot is routinely given at the 4 month well check up.
- The 3rd shot is routinely given at the 6 month well check up.
- The 4th shot is routinely give at the 15 month well check up.
- The 5th shot is routinely give at the 4 year well check up.
for more information please click on the DTaP Vaccine Information Sheet
IPV (Inactivated Polio Vaccine)
Polio is a virus that can cause paralysis. It was previously very common a generation ago.
Complete vaccination consists of 4 shots.
- The 1st shot is routinely given at the 2 month well check up.
- The 2nd shot is routinely given at the 4 month well check up.
- The 3rd shot is routinely given at the 6 month well check up.
- The 4th shot is routinely given at the 4 year well check up.
For more information please click on the IPV Vaccine Information Sheet
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Vaccine (HIB Vaccine)
Haemophilus Influenzae type B is a bacteria that causes invasive diseases in children.
Complete vaccination consists of 4 shots.
- The 1st shot is routinely given at the 2 month well check up.
- The 2nd shot is routinely given at the 4 month well check up.
- The 3rd shot is routinely given at the 6 month well check up.
- The 4th shot is routinely given at the 15 month well check up.
For more information please click on the HIB Vaccine Information Sheet
Pneumococcal Vaccine (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine)
Pneumococcus is a bacteria that causes invasive diseases in children.
Complete vaccination consists of 4 shots.
- The 1st shot is routinely given at the 2 month well check up.
- The 2nd shot is routinely given at the 4 month well check up.
- The 3rd shot is routinely given at the 6 month well check up.
- The 4th shot is routinely given at the 15 month well check up.
For more information please click on the Pneumococal Vaccine Information Sheet
Rotateq Vaccine (Rotavirus Vaccine)
Rotateq vaccine protects against rotavirus which is a virus that can cause severe diarrhea. The series must be started before 3 months of age and finished before 8 months of age. Rotateq is an oral vaccine given by mouth.
Complete vaccination consists of 3 shots.
- The 1st oral vaccine is routinely given at the 2 month well check up.
- The 2nd oral vaccine is routinely given at the 4 month well check up.
- The 3rd oral vaccine is routinely given at the 6 month well check up.
For more information please click on the Rotateq Vaccine Information Sheet
Measles, Mumps & Rubella Vaccine (MMR Vaccine)
MMR vaccine protects against Measles, Mumps and Rubella which are viruses that cause several childhood illnesses.
Complete vaccination consists of 2 shots.
- The 1st shot is routinely given at the 12 month well check up.
- The 2nd shot is routinely given at the 4 year old well check up.
For more information please click on the MMR Vaccine Information Sheet
Varivax Vaccine (Varicella, Chicken Pox Vaccine)
Varicella (aka “chicken pox) virus is the virus that causes Varicella more commonly knows as chickenpox. The Varivax vaccine confers immunity against Chicken Pox.
Complete vaccination consists of 2 shots.
- The 1st shot is routinely given at the 12 month well check up. Pt must be at least 1 year old before the vaccine can be given.
- The 2nd shot is routinely given at the 4 year old well check up.
for more information please click on the Varivax Vaccine Information Sheet
Hepatitis A Vaccine (Hep A Vaccine)
Hepatits A is a viral infection that affects the liver and is spread from eating poorly prepared food.
Complete vaccination consists of 2 shots for patient 12 months of age or older.
- The 1st shot can be given at the 12 month well check up or anytime after.
- The 2nd shot is routinely at the 18 month well check up or 6 months after the first shot.
for more information please click on the Hepatitis A Vaccine Information Sheet
Tdap Vaccine (Tetanus, Diptheria & Acellular Pertussis Vaccine)
Tdap vaccine protects adolescents against Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis commonly from skin contact and from person to person transmission. Tdap vaccine is also known as the tetanus shot.
- This vaccine is now routinely given at the 11 year old well check before they enter the 6th grade in Fairfax county.
- Boosters are recommended every 10 years thereafter into adulthood.
- A booster shot is recommended if you have a dirty wound and it has been more than 5 years since your last TDap
for more information please click on the Tdap Vaccine Information Sheet
MenQuadfi vaccine (Meningococcal Vaccine)
Meningococcal vaccine protects against neisseria meningococcal meningitis. Adolescents in group settings like dormitories are at higher risk of contracting the disease. Most colleges and universities now require the vaccine for all entering students.
Complete vaccination consists of 2 shots.
- The 1st shot is given after age 11 yrs old
- The 2nd booster shot is given after 16 years old
for more information please click on the MenQuadfi Vaccine Information Sheet
Trumenba vaccine (Meningococcal Serotype B Vaccine)
Meningococcal Serotype B vaccine protects against neisseria meningococcal meningitis type B. Adolescents in group settings like dormitories are at higher risk of contracting the disease.
Complete vaccination consists of 2 shots.
- The 1st shot is given after age 16 yrs old
- The 2nd booster shot is given 6 months after the first
for more information please click on the Trumenba Vaccine Information Sheet
Gardasil Vaccine (Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine)
- The 1st shot can be given at any time from age 11 and up.
- The 2nd shot is given 6 months after the first vaccine.
- The 1st shot can be given after age 15.
- The 2nd shot is given 2 months after the first vaccine.
- The 3rd shot is given 6 months after the first vaccine.
Influenza Vaccine (Flu Vaccine)
Influenza (flu) is an infectious disease that spreads thru the United States from about October to May every year. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all children older than 6 months old receive a flu vaccine every year. A new flu vaccine is released usually in early fall.
For children less than 9 years old who have not had the flu vaccine before, it is recommended that they receive 2 flu vaccines one month apart
Children older than 9 years old and children who have received a flu vaccine in the past only require one flu shot a season.
for more information please click on the Influenza Vaccine Information Sheet
Td Vaccine (Tetanus Shot)
for more information please click on the Td Vaccine Information Sheet
ProQuad ( MMR + Varivax Vaccine)